Two more XMU papers listed as ESI-Hot Papers

Posted: 2017-06-08   Visits: 182


According to the recently released ESI statistics, two more papers by Prof. Lin Boqiang, Dean of the School of Energy Research, are compiled into the list of ESI Hot papers. The paper entitled Energy and CO2 emissions performance in China’s regional economies: Do market oriented reforms matter? , which was previously published in Energy Policy (78:113-124), is now listed in the Social Sciences of ESI-Hot Papers, with Prof. Lin being the first author. Prof. Lin, in the meantime, is the corresponding author of another paper published in Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews (45:838-849). This paper entitled An analysis of the driving forces of energy-related carbon dioxide emissions in China’s industrial sector has also met the bar as one of ESI-Hot Papers in the field of engineering. Up till now, as the first author or corresponding author, Prof. Lin has had at least his 4 papers selected as ESI-Hot Papers, and 17 placed in the list of ESI-Highly Cited Papers.


ESI is an analysis database based on over 10 million articles published in 11, 000 plus scholarly journals that have been included in SCI (Science Citation Index) and SSCI (Social Science Citation Index). The ESI-Hot Papers refer to the articles published in the recent two years that have received citations ranked in the top 0.1% in their respective fields in recent two months. ESI-Highly Cited Papers, on the other hand, are the ones that have crossed the highly-cited thresholds to rank top 1% in their corresponding fields within the most recent two-month period in their publishing year.


Edited by Long Jin
