XMUMC autumn enrollment expected to top 1000

Posted: 2017-06-03   Visits: 121


Hailed as the first independent campus in abroad built by a China’s university, Xiamen University Malaysian Campus (XMUMC) had been in the pipeline since 2011 and its formal construction started from the year of 2014. February 2016 saw the enrollment of its first batch of students. And its academic programs cover all three levels, namely, bachelor, master, doctorate. The students are mainly from Malaysia, China and other countries (ASEAN in particular).


By the end of April, the number of students in XMUMC has reached nearly 2,000, of whom approximately 1,500 students are from Malaysia and about 400 from China. Others are overseas students from Indonesia, Thailand, Singapore, Japan, Korea, etc.




By Long Jin

Source: http://news.xmu.edu.cn/58/4a/c1644a284746/page.htm