7th Vision and Learning Seminar(VALSE) held with success in XMU

Posted: 2017-05-16   Visits: 168



From Apr. 21-23, the 7th Vision and Learning Seminar(VALSE) was held successfully at Xiamen University. VALSE, founded in 2011, was so christened for its  meaning of elegance and harmony just like “Waltz”. By carrying forward the academic spirit of liberty and equality, VALSE serves as a high-level and strongly-interactive platform for those young scholars in the research field of computer vision, picture processing, pattern recognition, and machine learning. There were as many as 2200 participants at the meeting, which saw the record turnout in history, including 213 speakers and distinguished guests of the organizing committee as well as businesses, 311 ordinary participants, 699 college teachers, and 1377 students.


Lai Hongkai, Deputy secretary of CPC of XMU, attended the opening ceremony and delivered a speech. On behalf of XMU, he extended his warmest welcome to those participants from afar. He quoted President Xi's viewpoints on the relations of technology, business, and country at the National Conference on Science and Technology to make the case that the development of our country and enterprises and the improving of people's living standards owe a lot to science and technology. In Lai’s speech, he affirmed the significance of this seminar and wished it every success.


As per custom, VALSE2017 mainly consisted of the following sessions which are tight in schedule and rich in content. They mainly include two tutorials, two thematic sessions, 13 invited talks,the poster presentations of 129 recently published or accepted research papers , 33 demos, 22 industry technical progress reports, as well as the annual progress review reports of 12 different research directions.


These reports and demos covered diverse research orientations in the realm of computer visual, mode recognition and machine learning, including the research on self-driving, the current biggest hit in technology ( by the Yangtze River scholar-- Professor Xue Jianru) and the SLAM research pertaining to enhanced reality ( by Professor Zhang Guofeng). Depth-wise, this seminar also included a sharing of the analysis and summary of deep learning from systemic heights ( by Yan Shuicheng, Dean of 360 Artificial Intelligence Institute). Most of the presentations, videos and other information about the seminar are to be posted and shared online in succession.




Edited by Li Zhiruo & Guo Yanyan