Sports Meeting,“All Is Love”

Posted: 2016-09-27   Visits: 360

At 9 a.m., September. 24th, the Sports Meeting of the School of Economics, Xiamen University, was commenced in XMU-affiliated Keji High School. Undoubtedly, athletes presented a wonderful feast for the audience with their extraordinary performance. Apart from the athletes, the volunteers with the green vest were also the spotlights on the field. They are from "All Is Love" Medical Team.

Before the event, the team members had already arrived to put up tents and prepare medicine for some simple emergency medical service. They set the base at the registration desk, with team members scattering over the field, ready to provide medical services.


Binding up the wound for the athlete  

Treating the wound for the athlete

During the event, when athlete accidentally fell down and got injured, the volunteers would immediately took out the medicine to sterilize and treat the wound. Some considerate volunteers also asked the injured athletes to have a small bottle of Huoxiangzhengqi Liquid (a traditional Chinese medicine liquid) to prevent from the heat stroke.

The sports meeting only lasted for one day. However, the love brought by the members of  "All Is Love" Medical Team has warmed everyone around.

Written by: Chenxue Wu

Photos by: Siyu Chen

Edited by: Jin Zhou